Sunday, April 19, 2020

COVID-19 Has Changed The World

Since the last post on March 1st, the way we work, live and ride has taken on a whole new approach. Everyone has been encouraged to stay and work at home, avoid groups and wear masks when in public. The meaning of a pace-line is now 4 across, rather than 4 in-a-row. Some of the riders have decided to ride solo and avoid group riding all together. However, with the war against the virus and few of the riders healing from broken bones and road rash, the PCRs continue to ride and enjoy the outdoors. 

On a recent ride to South Fork canyon, pictured below, Big Man shared "The Cowboy Code" that Robert Garff lived by. Robert was a local successful businessman, leader, philanthropist, politician, father and grandfather, and passed away from complications of the COVID-19. He was an advocate for cowboy culture and the lessons that are taught out on the range.  

1. Live each day with courage
2. Take pride in your work
3. Always finish what you start
4. Do what has to be done
5. Be tough, but fair
6. When you make a promise, keep it
7. Ride for the brand
8. Talk less and say more
9. Remember that some things aren’t for sale
10. Know where to draw the line

As the future continues to present new challenges and opportunities, may "The Cowboy Code" be a reference for all to live and ride by. 



Some pictures are worth painting

God Bless America!

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