Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Autumn Shows How Beautiful It Is To Let Things Go

"The Fall riding season forces one to STOP to take a picture or two. 
For some, that's all they want to do." - Big Man

"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting 
and autumn a mosaic of them all." - Stanley Horowitz

With the amount of moisture this season, the Fall colors were more vibrant than last year and made for many great picture opportunities. Even the native wild life wanted to get in on the action. As you hang up the shorts and pull out the long pants, remember that there is never bad weather, just bad gear and as long as it's dry, KEEP RIDING!

However, some do have a temperature tolerance and when it gets below 23 degrees they start yelling,  OMAHA, OMAHA, which means they want to call an audible and change the route. Last Saturday, Big Man was determined to Color the Canyons and had planned an EPIC, three canyon ride, Big Cottonwood, Millcreek, and Emigration, going part way up the first two canyons. The group started out with six riders and ended with one. Big Man was finally able to drink from his frozen water bottle as he started to ride the third canyon and when all was said and done, YES, it was an EPIC ride. (Has anyone seen the frozen popsicles, Prez and KOT?)



You know it's a little chilly when your water bottle freezes 
and there are icicles in the creek

 Some of the best colors are found 
in your own back and front yards