Saturday, June 29, 2013

Alpine Loop with the Bandits

This morning's ride was by far the MOST scenic ride this blog master has been on. It just happened to be the same morning of the Timpanogos Gran Fondo... :-)  Over 200 riders enjoyed the beauty of these canyons and the pictures below don't even come close to the awe-inspiring, breathtaking views.

The morning, as typical when Wood is hosting a ride, started a little rough with Mr. T not being very excited about the route taken to get to the starting point and Mr. Hale was riding with great consternation when Wood took a little side road that put them behind schedule in making sure he would be done in time to host a company party at Lagoon.

But in the end, as always, the group LOVED the ride and will give Wood another chance to be a host. PS - I think his singing was exceptionally inspiring this morning..... :-0

 "Hurry and take the picture, I need to go to the bathroom BAD!"


 The Happy Fritos Banditos 
"Ride em Cowboy"


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Sometimes it's just YOU & THE ROAD

After listening to Hale complain that he hasn't been given blog authorship, I acquiesced and told him I would post the following. (I hope you all will continue to support me in my decision of non-authorship to some and to others, keep the video out of their hands)

The PCR bike ride this week is telling of the new low to which this supposed band of brothers has sunk.  Dunn was a no show, without excuse. (Dunn, most of us knew where you were)  Wood peeled off after summiting Big Mountain and long before everyone else had planned to ride (Wood, old age is a bummer).  Lloyd and Bruner broke away from the group claiming that they wanted a ‘big ride” to Henefer (not Hinifer; Ludlow, since when did Webster allow cowboys to come up with spelling words?), proclaiming (but as you will see later, not showing) their biking prowess.  Briggs turned back early when faced with Mary’s Nightmare, leaving Hale and Trabert to fend for themselves.  But before Briggs, Bruner and Lloyd parted company with Hale and Trabert, the former group of riders knew that Hale’s rear tire had maybe 1 mile left in it, and that Hale could be left stranded alone in the East Canyon wilderness area after Trabert left him at the East Canyon dam.  But that was a chance they were willing to take (Wood, thanks for fostering that attitude). (I resemble that remark) Because Trabert is closet endorphin junkie, and had to ride 100 miles, he said good bye to Hale at the dam, leaving him to fend for himself against the blazing hot sun, with many miles of ascent left before he would possibly arrive home safely on the eve of Father’s Day.

This is where it gets interesting.  As Hale was approaching the back side of Big Mountain, an ominous task, he came across Lloyd and Bruner at the East Canyon store.  Obviously they did not go all the way to Henefer.  Sheepishly they greeted their forgotten brother, and feigned interest in accompanying him on the grueling ride back home.  But after reflecting for less than a minute they announced they had to get home, so they said adios and went on their way.  Hale faced the task of summiting the back side of Big Mountain alone, with his nearly crippled bike.  Long after the dust settled on the road from his brothers(?) who went before him, Hale, with much trepidation made off on this daunting task—ALONE!  About a third of the way up the mountain his tire gave way, leaving him stranded without cell phone reception to call for help from his family (on whom he knew he could rely for help) or shade for comfort from the blazing hot sun--left to rely on the kindness of strangers (Wood, you should know of play from which that line originates).  In the end, the kindness of strangers did pay off.  Hale was taken home by a couple of kind young strangers who took him home to Kathy.  Upon arrival Kathy explained to these kind people how she used to put Hale’s name and address on his helmet so if it was lost the person who found it would know where to return it, but because his biking buddies mocked him when they saw it saying “why would Kathy want you returned to her”, she no longer engaged in that custom.  She was relieved that somehow they were able to bring him home in spite of the absence of his address on his helmet. 

I do not know why I bothered to write this story of woe; it will no doubt not even be read by any of my supposed biking buddies, and even if it were, it certainly will have no effect on their behavior.  For anyone reading this who wants to join this group I give you this caution: keep the rubber side down and full because there isn’t anyone in this group who is going to stay behind to save you!  

These Fathers are having a GREAT DAY!
Trabert's TATS - "Never charge a machine gun nest with a rubber knife"

The Smoking Gun.... 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Peoa Loop & Has Anyone Seen My Tool Thingy?

Yesterday's ride is always a highlight of early summer as we left the valley at 6am to drive to Peoa to beat the heat and traffic. The ride is a loop to through Francis, up to the Wolfcreek Chevron and back to the Kamas Chevron for refueling and pastries. We then ride past a favorite head dunking spot, where those who are TRUE PCRs do a 10 sec. dunk to freeze their brains and ride up Weber canyon to Thousand Pikes Ranch. As you will see from the video clips, riding with the PCRs is never a dull moment.

- lack of a tool thingy
- lack of participation from other PCRs in the head dunk
- loosing the downhill stage to the smallest guy on the team... :'(

- lack of a tool thingy
- letting the others finally have their turn pulling (the Lloyd brothers were animals)
- winning the 2nd stage to the Kamas Chevron when the Black Knight looked left and was passed on the right... :-)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Morgan & Back

Yesterday's ride, once again, proved the challenge that all Hosts face in keeping the team together. There was an early break away as three mavericks left early to help the team, so the faster riders would not have to wait at the Big Mtn. summit. A note was left to express their love and motivation.

We left early so you won't have to wait.
Our goal is to beat you to the Little Dell gate.
On the climb to Big Mtn. summit, if we get passed,
Just know on the downhill, we'll be riding your ASS!
PS - Don't forget to pick-up Mike Dunn at the zoo..... 6:25ish
One of the faster rider was very upset with this kind gesture and on the way home, back up the other side of Big Mtn, where everyone needs the strength of the team he said, "Sorry, I have to hurry to meet a painter"...... and left us all to die, a lonely death. 

Memorial Day Ride

Memorial day's ride was a flat ride past the home of those who have lost their freedom, the prison, and to the Utah Veteran's Memorial Park, commemorating those who fought for our freedom. We ended the ride going through the cemetery and visiting the grave site of Marilyn P. Wood, mother of the Blog Master. I'm sure she would be proud of the many memories captured on this blog site..... :-)

 "I look to the sky and give thanks that I can ride with the PCRs"

 Always STOP and smell the ROSES