Sunday, May 29, 2016

Be Quick, But Don't Hurry


Happy Memorial Day weekend. Saturday's ride started with four and ended with three. As the group attempted to catch the BIG MAN on the path behind the stores going up through Old Mill, one of the riders got bucked off as he went through a little slippery spot. DR Richards, left the group to go home, which was just around the corner, to put a little ice on the wound. YES, it's true, the older you get the MORE the colorful the bruise. (Heal Fast, and we're glad that the NEW Z-TEAM kit was not damaged, which for some is the most important thing when falling)

Image result for slippery when wet, bike

Without our intellects and a route through Tanner Dog Park, the BIG MAN was prompted to share a TATS that some might say, "has gone to the dogs". The temperature was perfect and the discussions and pace were brisk. 


 Why is Biking SO FUN!

Which energy food would you prefer?


Photos of the Week

Kim, we miss you!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

I Like People Who Smile When It's Raining

Yesterday's ride had great potential of being another epic one, but it wasn't meant to be for the early birds. The heavens wept as Dr. Ron and Bishop Jensen married off their daughters. CONGRATS! Sexy Legs saw the outcome early and texted his, "see you next week", while Prez Hale, Coach Craig, Mad Man Morgan and BIG MAN hoped for an hour later start, but didn't happen.

So what do you do when it's raining? READ A GOOD BOOK. Prez Hale shared the following TATS from his current read, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, "Sometime it is a little better to travel than to arrive" and BIG MAN shared the following from The Advantage, "If an organization is tolerant of everything, it will stand for nothing" So, the lesson to learn here is that exercising your brain is as important as your body and we all know who needs more brain exercise.


Tip of the Week - How Not To Wear Your Sunglasses 

cycling quote by ernest hemingway

Photo of the Week
by Cory Hawke
(Anyone guess where this was taken?)

Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Mobile Man-Cave

Yesterday the PCRs played “follow the leader” again and allowed Big Man (why do we do this to ourselves time and time again) to select the course.  We started late, trying to attract the splinter group, members of which enjoy their beauty rest (you know who you are Lloyd and Jensen), but alas 6:30 (a.m.), when the day is half over, is still too early for them.  And Mr. MBA was also a no show.  His excuse was that he had to participate in yet another taxpayer subsidized boondoggle to South Korea, attempting to show his graduate students how other countries conducts business.  Hey Prof, there is a lot to be learned right here in the great US of A, which has been a world economic juggernaut for some time.  We hope you packed on some pounds so we can keep up with you.

But we picked up some new riders whom Big Man was willing to make members, without even without consulting the rest of us.  We are desperate; our numbers are dwindling!  Membership, therefore, has a low bar—a bike, heart beat and a willingness to put up with a bunch of MAMILS (middle aged men in lycra, okay, post-middle aged men.)   It did not take long for Arch Egbert (the newest member to be drafted into the group) to conclude-after jawing with members of the squad, traveling at the speed of molasses while trying to miss potholes, multiple stops at Maverick Stations, pauses for photo ops (see below), Big Man serenading bikers with pony tails, Craig Bruner pontificating on Zen and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance, and Craig Hale dominating the conversations—that the group is really a Mobile Man-Cave.  We now know why the Big Man likes recruiting new members.  It’s because he enjoys taking them to visit such places as Porter Rockwell’s statute and telling stories.  He knows that to those with whom he has ridden to such sites in the past (Scott, we do remember that we have been on the same route at least a hundred times, and heard your stories about all of the sites along the way at least two hundred times) he sounds like white noise.

We struggled to the top of Traverse Mountain, where we paused, again, and Sexy Legs delivered an inspirational TATS.  It had something to do with people with small portfolios who become depressed by comparing them to those with large ones.  In some instances, as you can see below, some of us would prefer smaller portfolios.

“Ego training contributes to a self concept that makes us shrivel into a feeling of insignificance at our meager portfolio in contrast to those who have achieved more.”  
by Wayne Dyer

The Dentist flashed his big smile and encouraged the group to eat Snickers bars.  It is rumored that has stock in that candy company so he can make money from his patients coming and going.

It was another great ride and a beautiful day.  Just 116 days to LOTJA


Tip of the Week - What's A Speed Wobble and What Do You Do When You Get One

Riding in fashion is KEY 

 It's always a GREAT DAY when you can stop and visit with Porter

No two are the same, No two are alike.... (Can you guess who is Sexy Legs?)

 Love These Mountains

Mr. MBA did a little off-roading this week and wants to sponsor a PCR ride out of the country. Here are a few pics from his adventure. Note the sign he has ordered to post on curbs in the Holladay area.

 They give bikers their own lanes to ride across a bridge and along the waterfront

Watch out for CEMENT PILLAR
(Hale if you hit this, I'm not sure you would be riding 3 canyons)

Photo of the Week
by Scott Wood 
(Joe Rich's Mom's viewing, she was a colorful lady and I'm sure ordered this)

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Big Mountain, Big Men, Big Ride

Yesterday was a ride of vertical. Some went 4,544 ft and others went 5,707 ft. Either way, it was a ride to test your legs. Prez. Hale has found new life in his legs as he is now "doping" with his "SportLegs" We welcomed the younger legs of Dr. Gordon Smith, former neighbor to BIG MAN, until he got tired of his white noise and moved to his mountain mansion.

Mr. MBA gave one of two TATS as we discussed the price of wheat you would charge if you were the captain of a ship landing on the shores of a place where people were starving, knowing you have what they need and their is NO competition.  What do you do?

The second TATS was a tribute given to our dear friend Jon Cook, who passed away last week. Prez Hale, as always, recited the following from memory.

To an Athlete Dying Young
by A E Housman

The time you won your town the race 
We chaired you through the market-place; 
Man and boy stood cheering by, 
And home we brought you shoulder-high. 

Today, the road all runners come, 
Shoulder-high we bring you home, 
And set you at your threshold down, 
Townsman of a stiller town. 

Smart lad, to slip betimes away 
From fields where glory does not stay, 
And early though the laurel grows 
It withers quicker than the rose. 

Eyes the shady night has shut 
Cannot see the record cut, 
And silence sounds no worse than cheers 
After earth has stopped the ears. 

Now you will not swell the rout 
Of lads that wore their honours out, 
Runners whom renown outran 
And the name died before the man. 

So set, before its echoes fade, 
The fleet foot on the sill of shade, 
And hold to the low lintel up 
The still-defended challenge-cup. 

And round that early-laurelled head 
Will flock to gaze the strengthless dead, 
And find unwithered on its curls 
The garland briefer than a girl’s.


Who's dumb idea was it to ride up PineCrest after Big Mtn..... Mr. SportLegs??

Photo of the Week
Secret Waterfall? - by BIG MAN

DesignBuildBLUFF Graduation

Last week's ride was in a place not many of us have been to. It was the Hole-in-the-Rock Pioneers that settled this place. Mad-Man Max and 12 other U of U architect students have spent 13 weeks, 3 weeks at a time, building "Cedar Hall"

The Making of Cedar Hall

Congrats Max and welcome back to civilization.

 Cedar Hall

 Mexican Hat

The Goosenecks
