Saturday, March 30, 2013

3rd Annual - Ben Jacobsen Memorial Ride

Once again, many friends and family members gathered at the mouth of Emigration Canyon to enjoy an event that Ben LOVED.... riding to the top of Little Moutain. I share a few of words that Ben wrote a week before his passing.

"Although my mortal life has been shorter than I had hoped and anticipated, I have been greatly blessed. I have a truly remarkable wife; three bright, good children with great potential; faith in the Resurrection and eternal family relationships; six siblings who have loved, challenged and helped shape me; parents and in-laws who have loved, encouraged and cared deeply for me; great, faithful, loyal friends; wonderful business associates: and more than a few sacred times when I have known, by the Spirit, who I really am, the purposes of life, and the truths of eternity. I'll be just up the trail and around the bend..."

 Oh, to be young and strong again.... "Wait for us at the top"
 Good Looking Sisters.......
 Which way is Home?
 Sam, you are one lucky guy!
"A little chocolate milk after a ride always hits the spot"

Saturday, March 16, 2013

1st Annual Lloyd Commemorative Crash & Saint Patrick's Day Ride

Thanks Mr. Lloyd for sponsoring today's ride. I'm thinking we should change the name, "Let's ride while Lloyd is not in the ER".... MAN! The weather was perfect, however, the winter coats have taken there toll on a few of you and if we have to wait at the top of every hill, get in shape before you come next time.... :-)

There were a few that couldn't make the "city boy" departure time of 9:30am, so they ventured out a little earlier and the stories that were told..... OH MY WORD!

This week we have a special feature for you blog viewers, which I know are many??? A MYSTERY LOCATION and MYSTERY GUEST.

 Our ride this morning took us past the SLC Alps..... Wow, we leave in a beauty place
 To ride like the WIND, you need COOL WHEELS that the WIND can hurt you with... :-(
 Yes, today was RED day. What were some of you thinking???
 Hint: Joe Rich has lost many matches here to an OLDER dude??
Hint: This rider used to live in the hood??