Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Not So Impossible Dream

Yesterday, friends gathered to pay tribute to our friend and biking brother Kim Briggs.  Vicki and Tyler joined us.  As we rode from Coalville to Henefer and back we reflected on the good and bad times spent with Kim on those and other hot and dusty roads.  During the time spent together riding bikes friendships were forged that will last our lifetimes and beyond.  Those special bonds were created, in large part, by Kim.  Bruce brought our beverage of choice, chocolate milk, and gave a moving toast.  Others shared.

Remembrances included:

- Kim forcing Vicki and the rest of his family to watch the PCR's blog every week

- When Kim became enlightened by riding with his biking buddies, he confessed to Vicki “I finally get that “friend” thing”

- His infectious smile

- His strong faith

- Acceptance of others

- Passion and determination

- Steady hand

- Fastidious attention to attire, even to the point of making sure that perspiration stains were removed from helmet chinstraps before being seen in public

Big Man graced us with a stirring variation on the song: “To Dream the Impossible Dream”.   Little Man made a brilliant motion, which was seconded, and unanimously passed, that each year we will ride in remembrance of Kim on the Saturday following the week in which Kim passed.  Vicki capped off the ride with poignant recollections of Kim’s connections with the group.

In summary, Kim is a good man and we truly mourn his passing because of his goodness.  The short time we spent with Kim seems as if a dream, one we hope to experience again.

~Via Con Dias Kim~ 

PS - What would a ride be without a little adventure and some interviews??  As some of you might recall, Big Man is getting a little older and sometimes forgets things... NO, this week it wasn't his shoes... :-)



You Know You Are Addicted To Cycling If…

You have a crash and your first question is “How’s my bike?”
 "Can you help me clean my bike? I have to go to the hotel room, I think I've hurt my hand." 

Morgan, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Heal quickly!
Your wife tells you the only way she’ll let you ride across the country is over her dead body and you tell her, “If that’s the case, you’ll be my first speed bump!”
You have stopped even trying to explain to your other half why you need more than one bike…you just go buy another one and figure it will all work out in the divorce settlement.
You see nothing wrong with discussing the connection between hydration and urine color.
You find your Shimano touring shoes to be more comfortable and stylish than your new trainers.
You have more money invested in your bike clothes than in the rest of your combined wardrobe.
“Four cheeseburgers and four large French Fries” is for you.
You see a fit, tanned, Lycra-clad young thing ride by, and the first thing you check out is his or her bicycle.
You use wax on your chain, AND on your legs (boys)..... You know who you are
Your bike has more miles on its computer then your car’s odometer.
You open up a drive-thru for bikers to come get their braces on and adjusted.
 Congrats to DR Smiles for being an innovator....
Smile Miles, I almost have enough points to get a NEW jersey!
"Big Man, thanks for returning the chair"
You wear your bike shorts swimming.
Your bikes are worth more than your car.
You buy a people-carrier and immediately remove the rear seats to allow your bike(s) to fit.
When you move to a new area the first thing you look for is a bike shop.
You take your bike along when you shop for a car – just to make sure the bike will fit inside.
You view crashes as an opportunity to upgrade components.
You clean your bike(s) more often then your house..... 
You put your bike in your car and the value of the total package increases by a factor of 3 (or better).
You can tell your other half, with a straight face that it’s too hot to mow the lawn and then bike off for a century.

Your kids bring a rear derailleur to “Show & Tell”.
Your car sits outside your garage because your garage is full of bikes and cycling gear.
You wear your heart monitor to bed to make sure you stay within your target zone during any extracurricular activities.
There is no time like the present, for postponing what you ought to be doing, and go bicycling instead…
You no longer require a hankie to blow your nose.
You smile at your evening date, and she politely points out that you seem to have bugs in your teeth.
You can’t seem to get to work by 8:30 AM, even for important meetings, but you don’t have any problems at all meeting your mates at 6:30 AM for a hundred-miler.
Your surgeon tells you you need a heart valve replacement and you ask if you have a choice between Presta and Schrader.
You’re too tired for hanky-panky on a Friday night but pump out a five-hour century on Saturday.
You wake up at 5:40am on a Sunday to post to your blog site about last week's biking adventures.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Friends Through All The Gears

In a wonderful show of neighborly love, 21 riders from P1 turned out Saturday morning to ride our bikes in support of Jon Cook and Trish Glenn, both of whom are battling cancer.

The event was conceived and organized by Dave Moesser who mapped out a 23 mile course, which had 10 riders and a 50 mile course that was chosen by 11 riders.

The eventful morning began at the Cook home where biking food and special t-shirts for the occasion were distributed by generous Brother Moesser. That was followed by a prayer on behalf of Jon and the Cook family. Then we all gathered for a group photo (see below). Our former bishop, Jon, expressed his love and appreciation for this gesture by his neighbors and friends.

The group then reconvened at the home of Trish Glenn where again a prayer was offered and photo taken (which included Trish’s adorable triplets—see below). At Dave’s request, Trish gave us an update on her condition. She also expressed her love, appreciation and show of support for her and her family during this challenging time.

We are all amazed and inspired by the positive attitude and resiliency of both Trish and Jon as they battle this insidious disease.

All of us appreciated this opportunity to ride in support of the Cook’s and Glenn’s and to enjoy the comradery and friendship of our friends and neighbors as we biked together. 

~Friends Through All The Gears~

 We live in a GREAT neighborhood

Sights of the ride

- Mr. T and Big Man announced exciting news of the release of their new videos, "Changing Flat Tires for Dummies & How To Effectively Stage a BREAK AWAY", respectively.  Make sure you get on their list for distribution, these will be hot items......   YIPPY SKIPPY!

Thanks Moessers for the GREAT SWAG! 

 Now we know why the Bishop is always SMILING.... :-)

Way to go "Sexy Legs"  - 140 miles

"Craig Olympian Bruner doesn't hold a candle to Mr. T
when it comes to changing flats" 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Ride With Beauty

This week's rides, (Peoa Loop, City Creek Canyon & Rockwell Relay) again remind us of the beautiful places we live and beautiful people we ride with with. ALWAYS be on the look out for the beauty that surrounds you.


 When you see balloons, you know you're in for a GREAT morning ride

Happy 43 years!

Yes, I can still grow some BAD burns.....

 ... and YES, I'm one HAPPY and LUCKY guy!

 Some people are more motivated to reach the summit 1st

 Now here's a BUNCH of BEAUTIES!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Does Riding Enhance a Marriage?


This post, for some, is a touchy subject. However, after last week's performance, or some might say, lack of by the BIG MAN, it is is something that needs to be talked about. As many of you may know, last week BIG MAN's BEAUTIFUL wife, Jodi was in NY. She and two other friends went back to do what girls do in NY to celebrate a 50th year old birthday of one of the LOVELY LADIES. While gone, Jodi asked the BIG MAN to do one thing, "DON'T LET THE FLOWER DIE, PLEASE!" BIG MAN was confident this would be a piece of cake. It rained most of the time Jodi was gone and when she came home, she was a little UPSET to say the least. "What have you been doing while I've been gone, just RIDING YOUR BIKE?"

BIG MAN, did ride his bike a couple of times. and feels like he is being falsely accused. "YES, I did water the flowers, I guess it was the heavy rain earlier in the week that caused the damage."

So, the Big Man would like to ask the PCRs to take a look at the flowers below and cast your vote. Was it the heavy rain, or too much biking that caused the damage?

Today's ride was the SunCrest loop, which is a favorite, but one you don't want to do early in the season. 62 miles, 4,700 feet later, the three lone riders made it back home. A younger PCR, who's name we will not mention, Cory chicken legs/butt Hawke, said, "there is no way you can do this in 4 hours." If it hadn't been for the three stops, pictures and interviews, The group would have made it. Oh, forget to mention that D.R. got a little tired of pulling the whole way. What a wimp...

 Do we have GREAT Mountains or WHAT?

 New Cafe that you need to try out..... Top of SunCrest

How many know where this location is? Sounds like a happening place

In conclusion, studies have shown that riding DOES enrich a marriage. Try riding with your spouse on a warm afternoon or early morning, (not too early). Don't be telling them how to shift or peddle faster, just ride next to them and remind them how lucky you are to have married them and LOVE THEM!  And if they don't want to ride with you, remind them that you are doing this for THEM, to stay in shape.... :-)