Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Not So Impossible Dream

Yesterday, friends gathered to pay tribute to our friend and biking brother Kim Briggs.  Vicki and Tyler joined us.  As we rode from Coalville to Henefer and back we reflected on the good and bad times spent with Kim on those and other hot and dusty roads.  During the time spent together riding bikes friendships were forged that will last our lifetimes and beyond.  Those special bonds were created, in large part, by Kim.  Bruce brought our beverage of choice, chocolate milk, and gave a moving toast.  Others shared.

Remembrances included:

- Kim forcing Vicki and the rest of his family to watch the PCR's blog every week

- When Kim became enlightened by riding with his biking buddies, he confessed to Vicki “I finally get that “friend” thing”

- His infectious smile

- His strong faith

- Acceptance of others

- Passion and determination

- Steady hand

- Fastidious attention to attire, even to the point of making sure that perspiration stains were removed from helmet chinstraps before being seen in public

Big Man graced us with a stirring variation on the song: “To Dream the Impossible Dream”.   Little Man made a brilliant motion, which was seconded, and unanimously passed, that each year we will ride in remembrance of Kim on the Saturday following the week in which Kim passed.  Vicki capped off the ride with poignant recollections of Kim’s connections with the group.

In summary, Kim is a good man and we truly mourn his passing because of his goodness.  The short time we spent with Kim seems as if a dream, one we hope to experience again.

~Via Con Dias Kim~ 

PS - What would a ride be without a little adventure and some interviews??  As some of you might recall, Big Man is getting a little older and sometimes forgets things... NO, this week it wasn't his shoes... :-)



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