Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Trains, Bikes, & Asphalt with Your Buddies

Prez and Big Man were great hosts for another EPIC Saturday Adventure Ride. They insisted on waking up in the middle of the night to ride to the Murray Frontrunner station for a short trip to Orem. The group was rewarded for such an early start with Hot Cross buns, chocolate milk and a play list that got everyone moving. Big Man and GQ made fools of themselves dancing in the aisle to the O’jays, “Love Train”.  It was a scary site for sure. Stitch, Twitch and Little Indian boarded the train in Draper with added excitement and Little Indian even had an animal attached to his helmet.

Once the peloton started riding it was apparent that Covid 19, maybe even 20 had hit most of the group.  Yes, too many bonbons this winter.

Wasn’t the forecast for an unusual hot day? Oh, but it's only 7:00 in the morning and the wind blowing down Provo canyon had a frosty bite and one wore shorts. The scenery was spectacular in the canyon. Snow-capped peaks, drenched in sun and icy water cascading down cliffs. GQ went glacial at Vivian Park and made an executive decision to head to warmer ground with Prez, KOT and Lefty, while the others headed for South Fork Summit for an unforgettable TATS from Little Indian. (See recording below for all those that wimped out to seek warmer air) 

Weird things seem to happen in Utah county. Prez, took the theme of the ride, "Look Up" literally and can attest to this with raspberry buns. No, the social highway doesn't want to see them. However, Big Man thinks it's only fair to share, since he shared his work of  art several years ago. Prez, hope you can sit to drive soon.

This truly was an Epic day, thanks to the hosts Prez and Big Man!


Ready To Ride

Finally, a Senior Citizen Ticket!

Holy Ground where "Little Indian" was Born