Monday, April 15, 2019

Another Epic SLC Marathon Ride

Last weekend was another EPIC week in the sporting world as Tiger Woods won his 5th Masters having one of the greatest comebacks in the history of golf and Scott Wood (aka Big Man) rode another SLC marathon, as a bandit/deadhead, and was not thrown in jail. Both great athletes had a difficult time sleeping in anticipation of Saturday's events. The weather for the golfers was a little nicer than it was for the bikers, but we know who had more fun. As the bikers woke, there was text discussion as whether the snow/rain would keep some from a 6:00AM start. The stouthearted venturesome riders all met at Prez's wife's home and were delighted to see a NEW PCR joining the group, Lindsey "Hot Legs" Nesbitt. Yes, Hale The Younger had been busy out recruiting, due to getting tired of riding with his OLDER, much SLOWER brother.

Hot Legs, a name given to Lindsey by her sponsor, left all the old men in the dust as she realized it was going to be a long 26.2 miles riding with these geezers. The senior geezer, Mr. T. got lost before they even made it to the starting line and said he wanted to get a head start. So he road around the group before the starting gun, which is an automatic DQ, just so he could say he was in first place all the way to Memory Grove. The Peloton finally met up with him at Highland High School. What some people will do when they get OLD.....

"No Email" Ludlow, wore a rain hat, which some of the bikers had never seen and hope to never see again. KOT was worried when Mr. T. fell behind the group and yelled to Big Man, "Tony's falling behind", which Big Man recited the pirate's code, "You fall behind, You get left behind".  Big Man, after chasing Hale The Younger and Hot Legs the entire race was determined to finish first and had to make several dangerous moves last minute around some of the runners to claim his victory.

Some of the rules of the road and the PCR whistle were introduced to Hot Legs so she too didn't get lost for post-ride pictures and the BEST part of the race, a visit to Les Madeleines for Kouing Amanns. (THEY ARE TO DIE FOR, THANKS PREZ!)


 There is no such thing as bad weather, only bad gear!

 Yes, riding with the PCRs is a lot of FUN....

 ... and Wild & CRAZY!

Does anyone know where Mr. MBA is?

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