Monday, September 24, 2018

Keep Them Doggies Rolling

The Tradition

So folks just don't get it.
They think owning cattle don't make no sense.
It takes too much time, too much equipment,
not to mention the expense.

But the fondest memories of my life
- they might think sound funny -
were made possible by Mom and Dad,
'cause they spent the time and spent the money.

You see, the most important lessons
helping values grow so strong,
come from loving cattle
and passing that tradition on.

Some rides just become a tradition, one being Wanship to WY, via Chalk Creek. The cowboys got up early to get back to do their chores and as usual, ran into a couple delays. One buckaroo forgot to properly checking his pony's shoes. Yes, Mr. T., brought a pony with a flat. After wasting two CO2 cartridges and still no air in the tube, another cowpuncher decided he had seen enough and said, "could you use this there pump?" 30 minutes later, the wranglers were ready to ride.

Ride they did, in temps of 24.1 degrees with hands, face and feet looking for a little sun. However, being a early morning rider, you just have to cowboy-up and hope you don't lose a couple of fingers nor toes to frostbite. The sun finally rose its head and life was good. The ride was less traveled by cars and trucks and one cowhand started singing as the they rode past several deer feeding in the fields and standing in the streams. 

When they finally reached the boarder of UT/WY they stood around and started sharing stories of how many times they had been bucked off their ponies. (These bronco-busters are lucky to still be with us)  The ride back to the truck was eventful as they all helped the local cattlemen "keep them doggies rolling." One of the cowpokes couldn't read and lead the group to a deadhead, which caused another delay in getting back to the ranch. 

All-in-all, this traditional ride was one that will go down in the history books as a fond memory of, LIVING LIFE LARGE!


 We Love The Sun!

So how many times have you boys been bucked off your pony?

6 and I stopped counting

 Stop and water the horses... 
some of them are getting a little tired

 Where you cowboys think you're going???

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