Sunday, October 1, 2017

Alpine Loop - Brings Out The New & Old

Yesterday's annual Alpine Loop ride was BEAUTIFUL as always. The word got out early that the PCRs were headed to American Fork Canyon to start their ride and an all time high showed up for the adventure. BIG MAN invited a few COUGAR fans to join the group, knowing they would need a little therapy after losing to the JV team up north. (It's going to be a LONG season) Enough though it was an early start for one, little man could NOT stay away any longer and made a surprise visit. However, he did drive his own car to make sure his bike was not exposed to the freeway elements. Mr. T, also had to drive his own car, wanting a little head start to make sure he was KOM.

BIG MAN, as always had to stop several times for pictures, one which I'm sure you will all enjoy. He asked the young man to show the PCRs how great it is to be in the mountains and you be the judge. The group was inspired by a TATS from Dave "Thunder Thighs" Norton, where he encouraged us to "Be the Best you can, where you currently are." BIG MAN was happy that he convinced Mr. T if you are KOM you can't ride back the same way, but must complete the LOOP and ride down the Provo side, which is always the BEST part of the ride as you serpentine through quakies and come out and are met by the majestic Timpanogos Mountain in its full glory.

The gang stopped at Bob's place for a little pick-me-up and sang Happy B-Day to little man to welcome him into the new 40s. With a quick descent to Provo canyon highway, the gang was excited to ride the Provo trail and jump on the Murdock trail for a little flat cycling. The youngster of the group, Josh "Chic Magnet" Hicks, got a flat and thank goodness Dad was there to help him fix it or he still might be stuck in Happy Valley.

In true form, BIG MAN attempts a break away to get back to the cars first and plots with Josh to help him. The signal was given and the two of them left the pace-line like they were shot out of a cannon. (well kinda) BIG MAN was coaching Josh that they should switch often so the rest of the OLD DUDES wouldn't have a chance to catch them and they were successful in their efforts. Let's just say that being young does have its advantages, but staying out late with the women the night before an EPIC ride takes its toll.....


The PCRs are ALIVE and WELL!

How Happy are you to be in the Mtns with the PCRs today?


 I forgot how FUN it is to ride with the PCRs

Waiting for the OLD DUDES, again!


 I'm cold, can you take our picture?

Anyone seen Mr. MBA?

 Welcome to the NEW 40s!

If you're in a hurry to get home, you might want to get a ride with someone else. He has to change his clothes, comb his hair, put down beach towels and drive the area 2-3 times to make sure nothing has been left behind before he starts the drive home.... REALLY????

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