Sunday, April 2, 2017

5th Annual - Trains & Bikes with Your Buddies

Yesterday's ride with the PCRs was met with great anticipation as BIG MAN spent a lot of his energy, early, to make sure the team made it to the train station on time to ride the 7:11AM to Orem, UT. (In a previous year, they did miss the train due to a flat) Once in the train, Prez. Hale lead the group to the car designed for bikers. (It's much earlier riding your bike to the bike-car "outside" the train)  BIG MAN did it.... and now the question was can the team do the route planned without any problems/delays... NOT!

The FIRST little error was the excitement BIG MAN had as he lead the team off the train one stop early and realized, this is American Fork, not OREM....... GET BACK ON THE TRAIN! The SECOND, delay was when Pastor Dunn said he needed to check the landscape for Lions and Zeb Ras and took a little detour to a vacant construction site. (Growing old is not for wimps and bladders) As the PCRs started their ride towards Provo canyon, the sun shone bright and YES, BIG MAN couldn't resist in leading the group in a couple rousing verses of, "OH, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING" The snow capped mountains, as you will see, were breathtaking.

The team rode up the Provo Canyon trail to Vivian Park and took a right turn and went to the top of South Fork Canyon where they were all inspired by the TATS from Prez. Hale, who by the way was riding on a couple of hours of sleep coming back from Italy. (Now, that's a whole different story for another ride) Prez. Hale shared a moment at a recent retirement ceremony for one of his partners, who was "adamant" about, not only telling the truth, but LIVING THE TRUTH and by memory, as he always does, quoted the following from Lt. Colonel Frank Slade:

"There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are.... executin' his soul."

Now, if that doesn't get you pumped to make a quick descent, I don't know what does. Three of team got to the bottom on South Fork Canyon and turned around to see where Prez Hale and Pastor Dunn were and waiting, and waiting, and waiting... Number, THREE delay, Hale flats on the descent, As the PCRs exited the canyon and refueled at the gas station with water and "nut rolls", Pastor Dunn was starting to feel his oats and when introduced to the Murdock Canal Trail for his first time, he picked up the pace to see what these boys were made of. A 25 mph pace started to wear on the BIG MAN and so he dropped back to hear the highs of Prez. Hale's trip to Italy. 

The team made its way to Alpine, and again the snow capped mountains caused BIG MAN to break out in song, "THE HILLS ARE ALIVE". When they arrived at the base of SunCrest, Pastor Dunn, graciously said that if he gets to the top before the rest of us, (that's a given) he might continue on. BIG MAN's ride was going a little longer than originally advertised. The climb took it toll on BIG MAN and after stopping a couple times to get his bearings, he stumbled into the Suncrest Summit Cafe, where he was rescued.  Can you say, BONK! Number, FOUR! After a water bottle of Cytomax, Cliff Bar, Snicker Bar, Tiger Bar, the BIG MAN felt like he might make it home,

Remember, It's not how FAST you START, but how STRONG you FINISH!


We Made It!

 Here Comes The Sun

little Indian, thanks for STOPPING so BIG MAN could take a picture, he's DYING

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