Sunday, October 2, 2016

Inspiration Among The Saints

As the Saints gathered this weekend to hear from their leaders and be inspired to LIVE LIVE LARGE, some of the PCRs went to the mountains and were also inspired. As you will see from the pictures below, there were a lot of BIG MAN moments as the bikers stopped to capture the beauty of their surroundings. Unfortunately, pictures never really can depict what was felt and seen at that moment. The fall colors in this GREAT state are breathtaking!

Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
~George Eliot~

BIG MAN was so inspired as he climbed to the top of Guardsman Pass (BIG MAN thanks Cory and crew for a little extra help with the hand on the truck. The only way to climb... :-)) with Mr. MBA and Prez Hale that he was excited to take them on NEW route home.... "OH, NO"  BIG MAN lead them to the rail-trail to head east out of Park City to ride the bike trail alone Highway 40, behind the hospital. The route was flat and BIG MAN started to pick-up the pace. After a couple of minutes he looked behind him to make sure the "younger" riders were still with him.... NO SIGN of Mr. MBA/Prez. Hale. "Where in the HALE have they gone?" Knowing that the other riders were getting "weak and tired", he stopped and made a cell call. NO answer!!!  What should he do?? Knowing that Prez. Hale had taken this route earlier this season, BIG MAN made a U-Turn and headed back to Park City to ride the more direct route to Kimball Junction. BIG MAN was excited to return to his group as he found them having a Big Mac at McDonalds.... (wouldn't you know)

The four miles of decent down I-80 was a test of courage, but as they stopped to read the monument at Mt. Dell about the early Pioneers that settled the Salt Lake valley, faith was once restored and the journey to Prez. Hale's home for a little chocolate milk was truly a reward that made the day.


Some PCRs need a little inspiration before the weekend ride. 
(Nice birdie Mr. Hawke)

 Some REALLY went to the Mountains!

 Things of BEAUTY
(ask Mr. Hawke about his dream below)

 The DAY before the DAY... :-)

The SUN is starting to illuminate God's canvas 

 This is NOT photo-shopped..... UNBELIEVABLE!

 Where's Mr. KOM?

 A must stop to check your form for the upcoming season!

 PCRs make friends wherever they go..
(Mr. Hawke, here's your future)

Always the BEST part of the ride!

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