Saturday, November 2, 2013

Post Halloween Ride - Frightening

The daylight hours are getting shorter; temperatures are getting colder, and while trees shed their leaves, our waistlines, once again, begin to expand.  Honest!  The so-called “little man” confessed he gained 8 pounds since he quit training (it doesn’t show).  Those of us who are larger are secretly gleeful of his plight.
This week most of the PCRs took off at 8:30--the duly appointed time.  B. Lloyd, however, needed additional beauty rest, so the team violated the 5 minute rule and waited for what seemed like hours for him to make his grand appearance.  As usual, he looked GQ.  While waiting for him Val caught up with the group and chastised us for not waiting for him.  We immediately responded that the 5 minute rule applied, but to our chagrin, he was only 4 minutes late.  Then he waited, again for what seemed like hours on end, for the great B. Lloyd to appear.  (B. Lloyd, you pay when you are late.) 

We survived the cold, cars, potholes and hills and made it to the mouth of Little Cottonwood.  Along the way there were many interruptions for the law abiding riders, such as stoplights and stop signs, that only appear to mean the opposite to our want-to-be leader Wood--he just blows through them and leaves behind those of us who honor the law to eat his dust.  Bruner kept the pace at cardiac arrest speed (when is old age going to catch up with that dude?).  It was a great time to spend with the boys and regress, in some instances literally, and other vicariously, to the antics of early teenage boys. 
Stay fit my friends; spring is around the corner.
PS - Even though Halloween is officially over, our ride was full of frightening encounters... You must keep your eyes open at all times to avoid DANGER!
 "Now you boys, be careful out there.... You're not getting any younger"
 "STEVE HALE, you're under my SPELL"
 Always STOP and read the signs
Can you see the Mountain Sheep?

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