Monday, July 25, 2011

Pioneer Day on the Mormon Trail

The ride today was back to mountains to commemorate the Utah Pioneers. As we rode, we all commented, "how in the world did they ever get wagons down these canyons?" We started with a little warmy-uppy from the Mtn. Dell golf course parking lot to the trail head. Some of the riders were not happy that we started where we did, but as you can see from the video had BIG appetites when we finished. HAPPY 24th!A quick stop was due to smell the wild flowers, but Webber was thinking, "when do we get to eat?"


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping the blog alive. I think we have a couple typos in the top of this entry. Mormom is spelled Mormon, and "how is..." should be "how in..." Thanks for keeping the blog going!! By the way, I think we need a kidney stone entry in the blog!! Happy riding

