Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Best Pics of 2017

As the 2017 season comes to an end, let's take a few minutes to reflect on the great memories of this year's journeys. As we all become a little older and MUCH wiser, the miles, vistas, memories and friends take on new meaning. Staying in shape becomes more work, but climbing that dreaded hill at the end of the season is finally doable. Riding a bike is a great way to get some fresh air, makes you healthier, meet new friends and does wonders for your stress level. (Read More)


Here's To The Memories 

Make sure you can carry max numbers

Oops, didn't see that chuck hole

Watch For Animals

 What would a ride be without cows?


Ride/Run/Hike New Roads

Lauterbrunnen Valley, Switzerland in the pouring rain

Inca Trail 

Spring Has Sprung

"The Kit" has FINALLY arrived!

Let's clean and organize the garage............... DAD! 

Summer Fun

Families that ride together, stay together

Day 19 of the 2017 Tour de France in Enbrun, France

Anyone seen Val?

They truly do LOVE ME!

You just rode 206 miles, 3 states in 1 day. 
What are you going to do next?

Fall Colors

Some sites remind you of the past... :-)

When biking you meet interesting people, eat great food and
do crazy things!

Best Hair
little Indian gets his feathers


For good luck

The drinks and treats after the ride 
are always the best

No sweaty bodies in my car

I told you NOT to vote for Trump!

KOM, thanks for pulling me up the canyon

 The road was a little muddy
Do your buddies ever throw you under the bus??

Wearing Blue causes your blood to thin and 
you take weird pictures 

 A Rock, Really??

 Riding with Babes makes us all SMILE!

Dad With His Boys - Doesn't Get Any Better 

We finally get to ride with the PCRs

Now, there's something you don't see everyday

Cross Training is Key During the Winter!

Ride/Run/Hike/Live With Purpose!

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