Sunday, June 12, 2016

Chasing Shiny Objects

The PCRs had a fantastic ride on Saturday to Brighton Ski Resort.  The ride started late (6:30 am) to get more PCRs out of bed, but as usual, most were home in bed dreaming of more yard work (Mr. Lloyd).   The group of four PCR riders were greeted entering Big Cottonwood Canyon by police who had closed the canyon to cars for the PCRS and about 1,000 runners coming down the canyon for a half marathon (95% were women, which caused Mr. Wood to keep mumbling some strange word that sounded like Emerson).   The ride, which took over four hours elapsed time, but only 3.5 hours actually riding, included various stops for The BIG MAN to take photos and make new friends.  One detour included a ride to Dr. Gordon's house so the peloton could gain more elevation for Strava.  BIG MAN wanted to knock and ask for a free breakfast but Mr. MBA and Coach Craig were able to direct his attention to other shiny objects. 

The group made it safely to Brighton Ski resort (not sure if Prez. Hale every made it to the top based on his Starva post being less than the rest) and had over 5,000 feet of elevation and a great view of the ski hill.  There was some discussion about going up Guardsmen Way but the Domestiques were not able to vote.  On the way down BIG MAN found more opportunities to stop to get more great water photos and helped two ladies take a picture by the roaring river. The final adventure was a ride through Holladay were the PCRs found a carnival with a live band, booths, a small pony and an animal that looked like an Alpaca or some strange giant goat (see video below).  Yes, The BIG MAN wanted to ride the Pony and sing on stage with the live band.  The group was home at 11 am so The BIG MAN could weed his yard and help his lovely wife with projects.  The ride time was perfect as the rain started at 11 am.  The only bad news of the day was the rain prevented Woody from helping his beautiful wife Jodi with yard work. (Next week, oh can't, has to play in a Father's Day golf event... what a SLUG) 

It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it the pebble in your shoe,
~ Muhammed Ali ~


 There were stops to take GREAT photos

 There was talk about BRANDING

 There was whining, "Who's DUMB idea was it to climb this canyon?"

 There was a LOST rider, "Anyone seen Prez. Hale?"

There were more GREAT photo opps..... GO UTES!

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