Sunday, June 26, 2016

PEOA Loop / Bait & Switch

Yesterday was one of those rides you just don't want to miss. For some, it took BIG MAN's best salesmanship to convince them to join the group. They were thinking of riding Emigration Canyon, which you can do any day of the week. The temperature was perfect and the scenery and TATS were inspiration. A few of us stopped to take pictures, talk with the locals and visit previous sites of injury and heart attack.

BIG MAN was excited about a chance of winning the final stage back to the cars and knew without little man's presence, he had a good chance of a victory. As he made the turn to head back to the car he yelled out, "LAST ONE BACK TO THE CAR IS A RIOT EGG". Mad Man Morgan took the bait and soon attempted a break away, in which the BIG MAN jumped on his wheel for the final decent. Coach Craig attempted a break away, but he too started his sprint too early. Lastly, Mr. MBA, a first-time rider on this route said enough is enough and took off. BIG MAN, having course knowledge knowing the last 200 yards is where you win this race and waiting for the right moment sprinted to the finish line for a SWEET victory.

TATS = Lou Gehrig's Farwell Speech
by Steve Hale & Bruce Jensen
"Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about the bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of this earth. I have been in ballparks for seventeen years and have never received anything but kindness and encouragement from you fans.
"Look at these grand men. Which of you wouldn't consider it the highlight of his career just to associate with them for even one day? Sure, I'm lucky. Who wouldn't consider it an honor to have known Jacob Ruppert? Also, the builder of baseball's greatest empire, Ed Barrow? To have spent six years with that wonderful little fellow, Miller Huggins? Then to have spent the next nine years with that outstanding leader, that smart student of psychology, the best manager in baseball today, Joe McCarthy? Sure, I'm lucky.
"When the New York Giants, a team you would give your right arm to beat, and vice versa, sends you a gift - that's something. When everybody down to the groundskeepers and those boys in white coats remember you with trophies - that's something. When you have a wonderful mother-in-law who takes sides with you in squabbles with her own daughter - that's something. When you have a father and a mother who work all their lives so you can have an education and build your body - it's a blessing. When you have a wife who has been a tower of strength and shown more courage than you dreamed existed - that's the finest I know.
"So I close in saying that I may have had a tough break, but I have an awful lot to live for."

First pit stop for the small bladders


 We lost Prez Hale for a moment and had to call out the Rangers

 What are they doing?

 It's still there... :-(

BIG MAN's celebration treat!

Photos of The Weeks

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Where is Woody?

PCR blog followers, bikers, fellow PCRs (are there any left?), lend me your eyes;
We are posting this prologue as a final testament of the burial of any illusion that Woody, aka BIG MAN, is or ever was a dedicated member of the PCRs (okay, none of us really is anymore), not to sing any praises of him (not that there was ever anything praiseworthy about him, other than the speed with which the man can disseminate un-newsworthy information to a bunch of people who really don’t care about what he has written); The pain and suffering inflicted by Woody’s incessant blather lives long after the death of that illusion.  (Woody, in case you did not notice the forgoing is a rip-off of a portion of Marc Antony’s eulogy of Julius Caesar in Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar).

This morning a small corps of members of the PCRs left at 6:00 a.m. (Prez Hale got rolling just a few minutes late) and rode to the tops of Little Cottonwood Canyon and Little Mountain.  Woody was nowhere to be seen.  Apparently he returned from a trip at 10:00 p.m. the night before and 6:00 a.m. interfered with his beauty rest (Woody, your youthful looks have long since past; rest will not restore them). 

Even though we could not see Woody chasing a bevy of biking beauties or chattering with local convenience store attendants, as Shakespeare astutely observed, Woody’s ill habits live on without him.  For example, Mr. MBA, wanting to show us his astute business acumen, so he spent countless hours prattling on about how he went to Contender bike shop to buy some Scratch (a tasty and nutritious powered form drink mix specifically designed for cyclist that Prez Hale recommended to him) and found out how much it cost, how many drink bottles it would fill and concluded that it costs 1 buck a bottle: about the price of a bottle of Coke.  So, he concluded, it was not a “good deal” and did not buy it.  Here is a news flash Mr. MBA: don’t be surprised if you are not awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for your profound discovery requiring first grade math.  And then the group had to wait for Prez’s seemingly countless hours chatting with other bikers along the way ( Prez Hale learned well from Woody that visiting with others allows you to slow down and catch your breath).  Only Bruner, aka, the “Animal” seemed impervious to the ill side effects of “hanging” with Woody.  The Animal kept the group members focused (as much as they are capable of such behavior) and panting to try and keep up with him.

The group did not suffer from two additional ill side effects from over exposure to Woody.  First, there is only one photograph for the blog (instead of the countless blur of seemingly endless photos, almost all of which he is the focus).  And second, we arrived home before 8:00 p.m.  So perhaps Shakespeare was not correct after all, but then there is still far more time for the group to be exposed to Woody’s evil ways.  We missed you Woody, but we talked about you the entire ride.  Be on the lookout for him.  He is armed with a camera and a gift for the gab.  Nevertheless we hope to see (not hear) you on the next ride.

TATS = Training for LOTOJA sucks, especially when you are not riding LOTOJA. 
by Mr. MBA 


Without Woody, the ride loses its "focus"

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Chasing Shiny Objects

The PCRs had a fantastic ride on Saturday to Brighton Ski Resort.  The ride started late (6:30 am) to get more PCRs out of bed, but as usual, most were home in bed dreaming of more yard work (Mr. Lloyd).   The group of four PCR riders were greeted entering Big Cottonwood Canyon by police who had closed the canyon to cars for the PCRS and about 1,000 runners coming down the canyon for a half marathon (95% were women, which caused Mr. Wood to keep mumbling some strange word that sounded like Emerson).   The ride, which took over four hours elapsed time, but only 3.5 hours actually riding, included various stops for The BIG MAN to take photos and make new friends.  One detour included a ride to Dr. Gordon's house so the peloton could gain more elevation for Strava.  BIG MAN wanted to knock and ask for a free breakfast but Mr. MBA and Coach Craig were able to direct his attention to other shiny objects. 

The group made it safely to Brighton Ski resort (not sure if Prez. Hale every made it to the top based on his Starva post being less than the rest) and had over 5,000 feet of elevation and a great view of the ski hill.  There was some discussion about going up Guardsmen Way but the Domestiques were not able to vote.  On the way down BIG MAN found more opportunities to stop to get more great water photos and helped two ladies take a picture by the roaring river. The final adventure was a ride through Holladay were the PCRs found a carnival with a live band, booths, a small pony and an animal that looked like an Alpaca or some strange giant goat (see video below).  Yes, The BIG MAN wanted to ride the Pony and sing on stage with the live band.  The group was home at 11 am so The BIG MAN could weed his yard and help his lovely wife with projects.  The ride time was perfect as the rain started at 11 am.  The only bad news of the day was the rain prevented Woody from helping his beautiful wife Jodi with yard work. (Next week, oh can't, has to play in a Father's Day golf event... what a SLUG) 

It isn't the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out; it the pebble in your shoe,
~ Muhammed Ali ~


 There were stops to take GREAT photos

 There was talk about BRANDING

 There was whining, "Who's DUMB idea was it to climb this canyon?"

 There was a LOST rider, "Anyone seen Prez. Hale?"

There were more GREAT photo opps..... GO UTES!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Henefer & Back

Yesterday's ride was a true test of is your spring training paying off. The gang of six left the valley at 5:30 AM with hopes of returning by 11:30ish, NOT! The morning was cool, the skies clear and the chatter lively. The route to Henefer & Back was going to test our legs, as we had to climb to Big Mtn, twice, 7,281 ft of elevation gain. The ride from the top of Big Mtn to East Canyon was the highlight for BIG MAN, as all 189 lbs enjoyed the decent through a luscious green mountain terrain.

Dr. Ron shared the TATS for the day:

It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us in to action, and discipline that enabled us to follow though. ~ Zig Ziglar ~

However, the more inspiring thought came from Ron's wife's text, as she knew he would need a little help in getting up the back side of Big Mtn..... BONK!


 Enjoy the Vistas

Really, another story from Hale???

 Refueling at Grumps

As we stopped to read this sign, which we do often, BIG MAN, also WEPT as the Pioneers did realizing the second climb up to BIG MTN was a head of us. HELP!!!

Photo of the Week
by Scott Young