Sunday, April 10, 2016

“All Hope Abandon, Ye Who Enter Here….”

The Nine Circles of Hell described in Dante’s Inferno pale in comparison to Hale’s 10 Hills to Hell!  Saturday, BIG MAN relinquished command of the PCRs and let Prez Hale suggest the route of the day.  So at 7:30 (an hour set to entice the Petunia PCRs to come), those of the PCR’s who are not shrinking violets took off to ride up Emigration Canyon.  They rode BIG MAN'S 7 to Heaven (Wood, you need to go back to the first grade to learn math again; it’s really 9 hills.  Of course, Mr. MBA, a former CPA, will tell you that 2+2 is whatever you want it to be) plus riding to the top of Pinecrest.  If Dante had joined us his Inferno would have included a tenth circle of hell—the 16 percent climb at the end of Pinecrest.  During this journey we discovered why BIG MAN is the team photographer: he needs lots of breaks when the going gets tough.  

Billy Goat Bruner is back in form.  He was king of the summits, all ten of them.  Speaking of billy goats, we almost hit one that hangs out by where the Moon and the Sun was located descending Emigration Canyon.  We had a special guest appearance by Prez Hale's younger, but less good looking, less hair, not quite as smart and not in all that good of shape for being 10 years younger, brother Craig.  He abandoned the group mid-adventure.  And we got a glimpse of Antione and his better looking half ascending Emigration as we rolled down.  

Sexy Legs gave us one of the more memorable TATS as we panted at the end of our last summit.  He quoted Mark Twain who wrote: “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”  While the hardy PCR souls who participated in this week’s journey forgive the pansies who stayed at home, we remind them of Dante’s warning: “They go by turns each one unto the judgment; They speak, and hear, and they are downward hurled.”  Inferno, Canto V.  Be forewarned that your muscles are atrophying and your waistlines expanding (i.e. little man, you may no longer be worthy of that moniker)!  And here is additional motivation for little man to get out: as the scales tips ever higher when you climb upon it, your chances of ending up at the back of the pace line with the BIG MAN increase, where you will listen to his white noise forever!   

Get out and join us next time! 


 There was discussion on whether we should really ride this next "Hill to Hell"

 Yes, the water is starting to run and when you're in last place, ALWAYS STOP to take a PIC

BIG MAN stopped to reminisce as he talked to the owners of Grandma and Grandpa's old cabin

 The old bunk house has been remodeled

Here's a few more PCRs that were out leaving the BIG MAN in the Dust

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