Monday, September 7, 2015

When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Going!

And the corollary to the blog title is when the going gets tough, the weak wimp out!  Professor and Big Man’s plan for Saturday's ride to East Canyon was to leave at 6:00 a.m.  Of course half the prospective riders complained about the hour of departure, and one, who shall go unnamed, requested that the ride start at a more urbane hour.  So the group compromised and decided to leave at 6:30 (half the day is over by then Lloyd).  After waiting twice the duration of 5 minute rule, he did not show--his bed held a firm grasp on him.  And wimp number one was out.  

So the group trudged on in the face of gale force winds.  At the top of Little Mountain, another member, who shall go unnamed, turned back, and wimp number two was gone.  Nancy we hope he mowed the lawn since he returned so early.  

Onward the group pedaled towards the top of Big Mountain, weaving from one side of the road to the other as cross winds pummeled them.  They were diminished in size, but not in spirit.  Then at the top of Big Mountain, a new PCR participant, who shall also go unnamed and apparently had enough time during the ride up to concoct an excuse for turning back, claimed he had to go to work on a Saturday (he works for the government) so he could not ride on to East Canyon.  Come on Brad (oops), you really had to work on a Saturday of a holiday weekend?  You led us to believe you were the boss.  Now we know who is in control.  An interesting phenomenon occurred after that member left.  The gusts of wind became much less frequent, less forceful and cool.  We may have discovered a new source of renewable energy.  We discovered that when he is talking there is enough hot air to power a 5 square mile wind turbine farm. Wimp number three, history.

The three remaining members made it to East Canyon and back.  Of course, Professor, Mike Mountain Goat Glauser had to keep looping back to encourage the C team to keep riding.  Craig, if anything good came from your accident last week it is this: you missed this ride!  We are glad you are feeling better.  Sunday was Kim’s birthday.  We missed you on the ride.  May your riding always be downhill with the wind to your back. 

Tip of the Week = 10 Reason To Commute to Work on Bike


 This is why we get up early, to see Vistas like this!


UTE fans of all ages were smiling this week

Do you know where these sites are?

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