Sunday, October 14, 2018

Take Me To The Mountains - Alpine Loop 2018

Take me to the mountains
For that's where I belong.
Just birds and trees
And wind and leaves
And silence as my song.
by Beth Wren

Yesterday's annual Alpine Loop ride was as good as it gets. Utah has experienced a very dry summer, which has an affect on the fall colors. However, the vistas though they might have lacked some of the brilliant reds, were highlighted by an early snow, making the backdrop of snow-capped mountains breathtaking.

With MBA being out of town, BIG MAN was determined to bring home the KOM, As the peloton started to reach the summit, BIG MAN attempted a breakaway, but was quickly passed by the Black Knight. Chasing each other, the two of them stopped short, one to find his heart and the other to take a picture and Prez Hale cheered the rest of the ride for taking home the title.

There's something about riding this route that makes it an annual MUST DO. Is it the rugged American Fork canyon of the Wasatch Range offering stupendous views of Mount Timpanogos and other glacier-carved peaks? Or once reaching the 8,060 foot summit knowing that the next part of the ride is going downhill on a serpentine route through golden yellow quakies?  Might it be the stop at Redford's Sundance general store for a hot chocolate, getting everyone in the store to sing Happy Birthday to the Black Knight or maybe a chance of meeting Robert?  Whatever the reason, when it's all over they are all saying, "MAN, THAT WAS BEAUTIFUL!"  


 Checking your equipment before the ride is key
 to make sure nothing is going to create a drag

Riding along a beautiful stream 
creates early pit stops for geezers 

 What's a picture without the ponies and a selfie?

 Pictures NEVER do justice.... WOW!

Prez, you just won KOM, SMILE!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Day Before My Day

The Fall season is on us and the colors are in bloom. UTEs bring home a WIN and the Cougars are looking for a soft chair. The days are getting shorter, the mornings are darker and the temps a little cooler. However, with modern clothing, lights and Costco foot and hand warmers, don't STOP. Some have asked, "When will the PCRs start their rides at an earthly hour?",  and Mr. DQ-MBA found the answer:

The Day Before My Day
-by Gloria Liu, senior editor at BICYCLING- 

Apparently, feeling short on time is not unique to our modern era. In 1910, writer Arnold Bennett observed in a book, How to Live on 24 hours a Day, "Now the great and profound mistake which my typical man makes in regard to his day is a mistake of general attitude... He persists in looking upon those hours from ten to six as 'the day,' to which the ten hours preceding them and the six hours following them are nothing but a prologue and epilogue... (But) if my typical man wishes to live fully and completely he must, in his mind, arrange a day within a day."

There are a number of reasons that I often wake up pre-sunrise for trail rides--how quiet and pretty the woods are, getting my ride done, even warding off seasonal affective disorder in the winter. But my favorite thing about dawn patrol is that I roll into work feeling like I've already had a day before my day. Seeing and doing something a little unconventional before I start "adulting" at 9 a.m. makes me feel like I'm sneaking in extra adventure time, and that it all eventually adds up to some bonus living. 

However, if the early hour is a challenge, continue to ride when you can. Because NOT riding is NOT good for the soul or your health.


 Not getting KOM is sometimes worth it. 

 ...and I thought I had a large bike frame... 
Meet Glenn - 7' tall...

 Don't ever get mad while riding in Southern Utah when it's raining and verbally call out,
 "IS THAT ALL YOU'VE GOT", because it just might start hailing .... :-)

Who knows where this is?

Women look good in/with RED!