Sunday, November 12, 2017

Tired of Exercise - Ride to Adventure-cise!

Some people like to ride a bike for exercise and make sure they are posting to Strava so they can track miles, elevation, average MPH, etc. Then there are others that ride a bike to feel young again and feel the breeze on their face, stop to take a few pictures along the way and smell the roses. What kind of rider are you? Big Man, a true SQUIGGLE, introduced to the PCRs a quick test a year ago that described your personality based on the shape you most identify with. (Read More)  There was a debate on where the group should ride yesterday. One of the a SQUARES, wanted to ride a route that has been ridden several times and kind of boring, per Big Man. However, Big Man had Adventure-cise on his mind and was encouraging a ride that would start at 6:30 and have everyone home by 10:30, but the route would be determined as they ride. NO map, NO agenda. The SQUARE in the group couldn't handle the thought and so he said, "have fun, see you next week." One of the TRIANGLE/SQUARES in the group, at 5:00AM , sided with the SQUARE and Big Man was now faced with, do I  Adventure-cise alone or go with the SQUARES. He decided to ride with the group.

As the group showed up at the later time to ride with the head SQUARE, he was a NO SHOW. Had the SQUIGGLE pushed him to his breaking point? Where in the HALE was he? After making calls and texts, the group had no other choice but to Adventure-cise. 

As one SQUIGGLE rider expresses it:

I miss the trees whizzing by in my periphery. I miss the constant mental stimulation - the dozens of small, quick decisions necessary to keep moving forward uninterrupted. I long for the fresh air in my lungs. The breeze against my face. The sun on my skin. I want to smell the flowers, the trees, and the grass. I need to feel it all. I crave the adventure.
And each ride is an adventure.
Whether I'm riding the same old route or blazing a new trail, I never really know what I may encounter. I might spot a family of deer crossing the path or a wild turkey strutting in a clearing. I may discover a new place to eat or grab a tasty micro brew. I can explore forgotten little towns that haven't changed much since their railroad heydays. My mind might even be tricked into believing that I'm riding through unspoiled marshes, savannas, prairies, and woods when in reality, I'm never more than a mile from all too familiar suburbia.
I don't want to exercise - I want to adventure-cise!
I want to stimulate all my senses while I push my body to its physical limits. I want to relax my mind as I activate my imagination. I want to fuel my rides with adrenaline - the excitement and anticipation of what lies ahead, the uncertainty of what comes next. I want physical exercise to be a byproduct of fun - not its antithesis. I don't want to simulate - I want to experience.
 Where in the HALE are you?

 Don't you just love Mt. Olympus!

 If you look hard you can see TWO TEMPLES

 Land of Adventure-cise

 Say HELLO to OLD friends

 Say HELLO to NEW friends!

 Gunsite Canyon

 The Power of the Mountains

 There's a NEW Pro in Town

Mr. GQ

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Herding Cats

The phrase herding cats comes from the common saying that something involving coordination of many different groups or people is as difficult as herding cats. Yesterday's ride was definitely one that supports this saying. Discussion was had the night before about riding to Big Mtn, but when the 3 Amigos showed up for departure everyone had their own idea where they should ride. The decision was made to do the Suncrest Loop to avoid wind and possible rain and ride south along Wasatch Blvd. However, Prez. Hale had a different idea and wanted to ride a flatter, more congested route, full of cars and stop lights, which Big Man has a hard time obeying early in the morning. So they headed out 1300 East. A couple of shiny objects were spotted and yes, Big Man had to stop and take a few pics.

The ride up the south side of Suncrest was delightful as construction made it possible for the riders to enjoy two full lanes of NO cars. Once at the top, YES, Mr. MBA was once again KOM, a quick stop at the summit cafe for lattes, hot chocolate and Big Man singing to elderly couples, "Oh What A Beautiful Morning", and the riders were ready for the descent.

Once again, herding cats came into play as Big Man wanted to go one way and others wanted to ride a more boring route home. Where is Kim Briggs when you need a leader. (Sure miss that guy)  Let's just say they started together, but didn't finish together. As Big Man continues to study about leadership, he still is hopeful that someday he will be able to lead. The question is, will anyone follow???


 Follow The Light

 Man, I must be gaining weight

 Love the booties

Always stop to celebrate a Utah-victory-bike/run workout with a fellow former co-worker.