Sunday, August 14, 2016

Go For The Gold

As we all are watching these amazing Olympic athletes, we are reminded, "a coach is someone that tells you what you don't want to hear, who has to see what you don't want to see, so you can be who you always known you could be".... Tom Landry

Again, the PCRs enjoyed another great ride this Saturday as they left the valley early to beat the heat and enjoy riding to the summit of Wolf Creek. Dr. J, who has not been riding as much as some of the others, was reminded of the statement above by Coach "Wooden" aka BIG MAN. After the ride the coach checked in with Dr. J and was informed, "after a shower, some food, and a long nap, recovery is underway."  Yes, recovery is a little harder the more "seasoned" we get.


Tip of the Week = Best Way to Lose Weight Cycling

 Always great to ride with our Jewish Dr. Smiles


You can't ride through Kamas without a FRITTER

The Head Dunk is always the best part of the ride.... YEA BABY!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

WHY Do We Do This?

Yesterday's ride for some was a time for contemplation and to ask themselves, "WHY Do We Do This?"  WHY do we get up early in the morning and layout our stuff the night before by the front door so we don't wake-up the dog? WHY do we think we can ride like the pros and sign-up to do the Queen's Stage of the Tour of Utah? (way to go Gordon Smith and Hicks boys) WHY do we buy NEW mountain bikes and think we can still stay on them and not get bucked off? (Coach Craig's leg/hip has started to turn colors early this season)  WHY do some of us think we can ride 206 miles, in 3 states, in 1 day?

Do you know your WHY?  The purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you to do what you do.


 Emily and Gordon, your neighbors are hungry too. Where's our bacon and eggs?

 BIG MAN and BIG FOOT are both LOVING these VISTAS!  

It's tough getting OLD and having to make stops before you get home. 
(Jodi, he would have been home on time)