Sunday, November 29, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

What a great time of the year.... as we all travel to see family, friends, eat more food than we need and hopefully catch a couple of football games and movies. Weather in Salt Lake was little snowing/chilly for a Turkey Ride, but if you happened to travel south to St. George, here is what you might have seen.

As we leave one holiday and approach another, let's all give thanks for great friends and memories that have been developed over this crazy sport. Tow Truck Hawke shared the following article this week on gratitude, which says it all.

Tip of the Week = Be Grateful 


 The cattle were standing likes statues.... YES, it was a BEAUTIFUL MORNING!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

When Riding in the Cold, Keep Your Buns Warm

After several weeks of not being on the bike, a few (emphasis on few) hit the pavement for a chilly Saturday morning ride to Farmington and back. The sky was clear, roads were dry, spirits high and temperatures LOW....21.  However, as you will read from our Tip of the Week, riding in the COLD can be very enjoyable.

The morning route took the riders past a good friend of Prez Hale and as both riders were a little chilly decided to drop in and warm their hands... Be careful when answering your doors on Saturday mornings at 8:00 AM, you never know what crazy people are doing at that hour.

After stopping at the Mav for some hot chocolate and Cinnabons, the riders made their way to the Legacy Park Way trail head for the BEST 34 miles of therapy money can by. The more the Prez talked, the faster he rode, and as usual Big Man talked a lot and rode fast the first half, but ran out of gas on the way home....

As we approach this Thanksgiving weekend, may we all give thanks for our families, friends, health and freedoms.


Three hundred sixty-five days in a year
Yet only one day for God.
To thank Him for showing us, step by step
The paths His feet have trod.
Only one day of the whole, long year
To whisper our thanks and praise;
For we're busy requesting the things we want, 
Three hundred and sixty-four days.

Only one day when the selfish world
Remembers His teachings and creed,
We're too busy praying Him foolish prayers
For things that we think we need.
Too busy asking Him "why" and "when, "
To spare him the time to laud;
Three hundred sixty-four days of requests --
Just one day of thanks, for God.

One day to thank Him for Life and Love,
the sun in the sky of blue;
One day to worship in solemn awe, and 
To tell Him, "yes, God, 'tis You."
To thank Him for seasons, for everything for trees, and a blossoms nod;
Only one day, does the selfish world
Remember its manner to God!

But surely in Infinite Wisdom and Love
He knows and He understands;
He looks with compassion on bended knees, 
Bowed heads, and on folded hands, 
He knows we are selfish, but He knows, too
That our hearts are oft unexpressed. 
That we're thankful, e'en tho' He has just one day
For thanks; and we beg, the rest. 

Tip 2 of the Week = Go to the restroom BEFORE layering-up for a cold ride... :-)


Nice Morning Hair ~

Who said riding in the cold couldn't be FUN?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Halloween Ride - Scary & Beautiful

This week's ride was far from the hardest of the year, but nevertheless it was true to "WHY" we ride, full of excitement, great vistas, engaging conversation, people and places.  As you will see, the numbers were few due to conflicts with sleep, healing, UTE game and NY marathon.  When your buddies don't show up, beware, you might get a visit from the PCRs at your place of employment and that could be dangerous and definitely SCARY!

Tip of the week = Common Cycling Injuries and How to Avoid Them


 Looking for "little man", but couldn't find him....

 BEST Halloween lawn decorations

 BEST Colors

 Bet you've never ridden this trail

How many know where these houses are? 

 After riding with the same person for many miles, things change. Kathy, we fully understand...

Breaking NEWS!  Mr. MBA has been traveling the world these last couple of weeks and has just found the latest energy food for our longer rides. Eager to see if it works as good as GU