Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Scott S. Lloyd • 1957-2024 • Another Tough Ride

Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light;
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night."

–Sarah Williams, The Old Astronomer to his Pupil
On August 7, 2024, Scott Lloyd, aka the “Black Knight”, “Little Man”, a founding member of the PCRs, left his “journey” in this life a victor and will surely receive an incorruptible crown of glory in the great hereafter where every day is unclouded, the roads are smooth as glass, shaded by archways of trees, with perfectly spaced Mavericks at which to quench his thirst, where the wind will always be at his back, as he effortlessly climbs up challenging picturesque mountains progressing ever higher on his eternal journey.  In life we could not keep up with him while he was on his bike; and in the future, he will once again need to circle back for some of us to pull us along our journey.

When you ride your bike with someone thousands of miles you get to know him well. Black Knight showed us a lot about what is important to chart a course for a cycling trip and more importantly for how to live a life. He was overly committed to his work, so it was a miracle to get him to begin cycling.  During his first season he struggled to keep up with the pack due to the incidences of spending too much time behind the desk!  But over the winter after his first season, he gave up sugar and shed a remarkable amount of weight.  At that point in time most of us could never keep up with him.

Scott showed us how to be “all in.” He taught us discipline by pushing away from the table (okay some of us witnessed that it could be done but have never been able to master that art). When it was clear he was going to be a champion cyclist, he pried open his tightly shut accountant’s wallet and purchased an expensive bike. He knew all of the intricacies of his steed and meticulously cared for it. We often heard Big Man taunt Scott for placing his wheels in fashionable covers and placing his bike inside his Four Runner.  
Scott taught us compassion as he rode in front of us so that we could draft off his back wheel instead of being a county’s distance ahead of us--where he could have been. He showed us patience by listening (well maybe he was pretending) to Big Man’s aka “White Noise’s” (aka, Turbo, White Noise, Covid-boy, Jeb, Kramer) endless stories about anything and everything and Prez’s ceaseless complaints about Big Man’s squirrels, the heat, the cost of cycling etc. as we pedaled under the blazing hot sun. Scott was always thoughtful of others. If ever you needed help, whether it was an Advil when in distress, or a deeply meaningful discussion about life, he was there to support you.

Diane, during many rides he spoke fondly of you.  We know he deeply loved you. You too are a rock star in the manner in which you loved and cared for him during his greatest challenge in life. You too are a shining example to all of us of how to live a life and care for another. You are a member of the PCRs forever. If ever you need something you need only to call on us.     

Scott, we will miss you terribly for now. We look forward to riding with you again only next time it will be on roads where glory does not fade.  Until then, ride on with Kim and JT.  Scott’s obituary can be found at the following link: Scott S Lloyd - Dalton-Hoopes (

The following are a few photographs and memories of the great Black Knight:

Bruce Jensen aka Dr. J:  One day when Scott and I were on a ride in the Peoa area, a young woman came jogging toward us from the opposite direction. She was one of the prettiest women I have ever seen. Stunningly beautiful in fact: young, tall, tanned, a gorgeous face, and a perfect figure. We passed one another and for a few seconds neither Scott nor I said anything. Then, with perfect timing and a deadpan delivery, he said, “Kinda makes you want to take up jogging.” No comedian could have pulled it off better. I just about lost it. I still smile when I think of that line.     

Craig Bruner aka Coach Bruner: I remember when the PCRs decided to participate in LOTOJA, a bike ride that is 206 miles through three states in one day. There was only one way in which the members of the PCRs to assure themselves that everyone would be accepted.  They had to make a $10,000 contribution to a charitable organization.  Prez complained mightily that he was not about dig up $1,000 buried in his backyard for the privilege of riding in the blazing hot sun 206 miles in one day through 3 states.  The day after the complaint was lodged, Black Knight announced that $10,000 was contributed to the Huntsman Cancer Institute that that all PCRs, including whining Prez, would be admitted to ride LOTOJA.

Steve Hale aka Prez: Scott, my earliest recollection of you was when we’d sit in back row of the chapel and discuss our common connection of accounting.  Then you took up cycling. Your first year of riding was a great confidence builder for me.  I could beat you! After you shed 35 pounds, however, I could never keep up with you--although you’d pity me and come to the back of the paceline to visit with me. I will never forget the many kindnesses you showed me, like coming up with $10,000 to contribute to the Huntsman Cancer Institute so I wouldn’t have to pay $1,000 after I whined that I didn’t want to pay $1,000 to ride in LOTOJA. And during that ride, as I struggled in pain to summit the Geneva Summit, after one glance by you of me and you offered me much needed Ibuprofen. I shall never forget the deeply meaningful discussions we had about life as we labored together under the scorching hot sun. Congratulations on a life well lived. Until we meet again, I hope you are enjoying long rides with Kim and JT. Miss you. 

Scott Wood aka Big Man, White Noise, Patches, Turbo, etc: “Black Knight” originally, then “little man”, and then back to “Black Knight” didn’t like the call name of “little man” because he always kicked my butt on our race back to the cars on his favorite ride, The Peoa Loop. No matter the different strategies I tried, break aways, draft until the last minute, get in the back of the paceline and come up on his blind side, Scott never let me beat him back to the finish line. I even tried putting on one of those funny nose bandages that he said helped with his breathing, and even that didn’t work. Scott was one that like to follow the rules of riding and his favorite quote was, “Start Slow, Finish Strong”. I really had a struggle with that rule, wanting to chase squirrels and ride in the front and sprint for a while and then go to the back. He was always prepared with tools, pumps, and extra tubes. I remember once when we rode from Wanship and Mr. T arrived with a flat tire and after going through a couple of CO2s, Scott said, “would you like to use my pump?” 😊  Scott was a true gentleman and struggled with my wanting to talk to everyone and sometimes interview them, but we finally got him to join us singing our theme song, “Oh What A Beautiful Morning” in front of people at the gas stations or Starbucks. This was really out of his comfort zone.  I loved his competitive spirit and knew he was always up for a sprint to the finish line, without even asking. Scott, you have once again beat us all to the finish line, in great style, never giving up. You will be greatly missed. Love ya, Bro!

Max Wood: I didn't know Scott very well, and only rode with him a couple times. I am very grateful for The Plan of Salvation, our Savior Jesus Christ, and our knowledge that Scott's life is not over. I know Scott is in a place free of pain! PCRs...I am blessed to know you all. Life is precious. May we live each moment to its fullest, experiencing everything we can and developing relationships and memories that will last throughout eternity. I agree with what a young woman said during a meeting I attended today at church: "God is our light. He will love and comfort us!" May He comfort all of us in this time of grief.

Vicki Briggs: My favorite biking story of Scott's was the very first one!! Kim, asked Scott to join the PCRs for a Saturday morning ride. He showed up with a real old bike and a few extra pounds. Kim was pretty sure he had not had a good time!! Well Kim would call again and again and Scott didn't respond. It appeared he had  disappeared in your biking world!! I think you were all sad that biking might not be his thing??? you know, a few months later Scott shows up for a Saturday ride with the best bike in the group, in fighting shape and ended up being one of the best bikers!!! I know like Kim, Scott loves you all!